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This post explores Risor's compiler and opcodes and shows how the implementation was influenced by CPython. Risor is an embeddable scripting language for the Go ecosystem. If you find Risor interesting, consider joining the growing community of contributors at (opens in a new tab).


Earlier in 2024, I built a compiler and virtual machine for Risor that executes instructions in the form of opcodes. This was a significant upgrade for the project, most notably making Risor significantly faster.

It was also less work than I expected. I was able to get some early quick wins, which made me feel the progress and gave me the confidence to continue.

While I referred to Writing an Interpreter in Go (opens in a new tab) during the initial development of Risor (then called Tamarin), I didn't use its companion "Writing a Compiler in Go". Instead, I heavily referenced CPython's opcodes. In part, I did this because Risor is influenced by Python, and I suspected its opcodes would serve me well in Risor.

This approach seems to have worked well.

The Python Disassembler

In Python, you can inspect the opcodes of a function using the dis (opens in a new tab) module. I used this to reverse engineer how various snippets of Python compile, and would then take a similar approach in Risor.

Here's a simple example in Python:
import dis
def example(a, b):
    return a + b

Running that Python code will output:

  3           0 RESUME                   0

  4           2 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
              4 LOAD_FAST                1 (b)
              6 BINARY_OP                0 (+)
             10 RETURN_VALUE

The meaning of this is as follows, using the first LOAD_FAST line as an example:

-----------  ---------------  ---------  -------
          4                2  LOAD_FAST  0 (a)

Python and Risor both use a stack-based virtual machine, in which variables are pushed onto the stack and then popped off when used in an operation. The two LOAD_FAST (opens in a new tab) opcodes in this example push a and b onto the stack. The BINARY_OP (opens in a new tab) opcode then pops them both off and pushes the result of the addition back onto the stack.

The reason for the name LOAD_FAST is that the operation loads a local variable by its index in the local variables array, which is a fast operation compared to looking up a variable by name from a hash table.

Using index-based lookups with LOAD_FAST is one of the reasons that Risor became significantly faster with the introduction of the Risor VM.

You can also run the Python dis module on a file like this:

python -m dis ./

This way of disassembling is especially useful because it shows the bytecode for the entire module, including all functions and classes.

The Risor Disassembler

In Risor, we'll use this equivalent function in a file example.risor to compare:

func example(a, b) {
    return a + b

As of the v1.5.0 (opens in a new tab) release, there is a risor dis command that can be used to disassemble Risor scripts. Provide code via the --code flag or provide a path to a Risor script. Here's an example of using the risor dis command to disassemble the "example" function:

risor dis --func example ./example.risor
|      0 | LOAD_FAST    |        0 | a    |
|      2 | LOAD_FAST    |        1 | b    |
|      4 | BINARY_OP    |        1 | +    |
|      6 | RETURN_VALUE |          |      |

The quickest way to see the opcodes for a code snippet is just to pass the snippet via flags to the command:

risor dis --code 'math.max([1, 3, 0])'
|      0 | LOAD_GLOBAL |       45 | math |
|      2 | LOAD_ATTR   |        0 | max  |
|      4 | LOAD_CONST  |        0 | 1    |
|      6 | LOAD_CONST  |        1 | 3    |
|      8 | LOAD_CONST  |        2 | 0    |
|     10 | BUILD_LIST  |        3 |      |
|     12 | CALL        |        1 |      |

The INFO column shows information that the disassembler can deduce about the operands. In the example just above, LOAD_GLOBAL is loading the math module onto the stack, which is at index 45 in the globals array. For constants, the actual value of the constant is shown in the INFO column.

Risor Opcodes

Risor currently has 50 opcodes. While working on this I found it interesting how much can be accomplished with a small number of opcodes. This is part of the reason I felt comfortable with working on this project. The compiler (opens in a new tab) in Risor is still less than 2000 lines of code, which is very manageable.

Some opcodes in Risor are an exact match of the opcode with the same name in Python (at the time of writing). In other cases, I took the liberty to simplify and add opcodes that felt appropriate in Risor.

Here is the complete set of Risor opcodes today. Note TOS is an abbreviation for the value on "top of the stack" and TOS1 is the value just below TOS.

Invalid0-Represents an invalid opcode.
Nop1-No operation, does nothing.
Halt2-Stops execution.
Call3argcCalls a function.
ReturnValue4-Returns from the current function (value on TOS).
Defer5-Defers execution of a partial (partial func on TOS).
Go6-Starts a new goroutine (partial func on TOS).
JumpBackward10offsetJumps backward by the given offset.
JumpForward11offsetJumps forward by the given offset.
PopJumpForwardIfFalse12offsetPops the top of the stack; if false, jumps forward.
PopJumpForwardIfTrue13offsetPops the top of the stack; if true, jumps forward.
LoadAttr20name_indexLoads an attribute from the TOS object.
LoadFast21var_indexLoads a local variable.
LoadFree22free_var_indexLoads a free variable (closure).
LoadGlobal23global_var_indexLoads a global variable.
LoadConst24const_indexLoads a constant.
StoreAttr30name_indexStores an attribute.
StoreFast31var_indexStores a local variable.
StoreFree32free_var_indexStores a free variable (closure).
StoreGlobal33global_var_indexStores a global variable.
BinaryOp40op_typePerforms a binary operation (add, subtract, etc.).
CompareOp41op_typePerforms a comparison operation (equal, less than, etc.).
UnaryNegative42-TOS = -TOS
UnaryNot43-TOS = not TOS
BuildList50countBuilds a list from the top count stack objects.
BuildMap51countBuilds a map from the top count stack objects.
BuildSet52countBuilds a set from the top count stack objects.
BuildString53countBuilds a string from the top count stack objects.
BinarySubscr60-Indexes a container, where TOS=index and TOS1=container.
StoreSubscr61-Stores in a container, where TOS=index, TOS1=container, TOS2=value.
ContainsOp62ignoredChecks if TOS1 is in the TOS object (a container).
Length63-Push the length of the TOS object (a container).
Slice64-Slices a container, where TOS=start, TOS1=stop, TOS2=container.
Unpack65countUnpacks count items from the TOS container onto the stack.
Swap70offsetSwaps the TOS object with TOS[offset].
Copy71offsetCopies the TOS object with TOS[offset].
PopTop72-Pops the top element from the stack.
Nil80-Pushes a nil value onto the stack.
False81-Pushes a false value onto the stack.
True82-Pushes a true value onto the stack.
ForIter90jump_ofs, name_countAdvances to the next iteration of a loop.
GetIter91-Pushes an iterator for the TOS iterable.
Range92-Pushes an iterator for the TOS iterable.
FromImport100parent_len, name_countImports a specific symbol from a module, with names on the stack.
Import101-Imports a module, where TOS=name.
Receive110-Receives a value from a channel, where TOS=channel.
Send111-Sends a value to a channel, where TOS=value, TOS1=channel.
LoadClosure120const_index, free_countPushes a new closure onto the stack.
MakeCell121symbol_index, frames_backCaptures a variable from a frame and pushes it onto the stack.
Partial130argcPushes a partial function, where the args and func are on the stack.

CPython's Evolving Bytecode

I was somewhat surprised to learn that CPython's bytecode undergoes a constant evolution. There isn't a promise that bytecode from one version continues to work in the next version. Python .pyc files include a 4 byte magic number that are associated with the marshalling code, and Python will recompile the .pyc if the magic number no longer matches the running version of Python.

The Risor VM as a Platform

While not yet set in stone, my intent with Risor is that the bytecode will remain stable within each major version. The plan would be to add opcodes as needed for new features, while retaining the behavior of existing opcodes.

This approach for compatibility would even accommodate using Risor's VM as a platform for other languages, which is intriguing. It could be a JVM but for the Go ecosystem.


Thanks for reading! I hope you find Risor's VM and opcodes interesting. It'd be great to hear your thoughts and feedback. Please drop in on the GitHub discussions (opens in a new tab) or join the #risor channel on the Gophers Slack (opens in a new tab).

If you're new to Risor, the quickest way to install it is using Homebrew:

brew install risor

See you around đź‘‹