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Executable Scripts

Executable Scripts

Risor scripts can easily be made directly executable on MacOS and Linux. In the steps below, the Risor script filename is myscript. The full path to the script is /path/to/myscript.

1. Add a shebang line at the start of the Risor script:

#!/usr/bin/env risor

2. Allow execution as a program by using chmod:

chmod +x /path/to/myscript

3. Optionally, update your PATH variable so that your shell can find the script:

export PATH=/path/to/:$PATH

Now you should be able to run myscript as a program from your shell. You should add the export PATH statement to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc to persist the modified PATH variable for future sessions.

Example Script

#!/usr/bin/env risor
print("just a test")